Com Açúcar Com Afeto - Client Work
Com Açúcar Com Afeto Gift Box - this e-Commerce brand delivers to the consumers imported products from different parts of the world, hence the choice of the motif of stamps, sourced from asset databases on the internet, edited and put together with Photoshop and Illustrator.
Mint Strips - Client Work
This packaging has been conceived following the brand's visual identity (also developed inhouse, for being a private label), using semiotics to compose a refreshing look that communicates the attributes of its contents.
Done with Adobe Illustrator.
Solano - Client Work
Solano is a silky-smooth sugar-free caramel toffee from Spain. The brand's visual identity has been used here, applied to a curved drawer display, in order to be sold in bulk at restaurants and shop counters.
Done with Adobe Illustrator.
Pictolín - Client Work
Pictolín is a line of sugar-free caramel from Spain, which offers different flavours. Here I prepared the artwork for the drawer displays to be printed and sold across Brazil.