The team consisted of me as designer, 7 programmers, and 1 photographer.
The challenge for me was to create some housing for the components of the robot, which necessarily had to fit inside this chassis. The rest was done by the programmers.
The objective of this robot was to follow automatically a path marked on the floor - as programming was not part of my job, I just had to make sure the design would cover the components and not interfere with them.
There was not enough budget for something 3D printed, therefore I envisioned a structure out of flat cuts and arches, as seen below. The material choice was laser-cut acrylic, a favorite of mine.
Further than that, for it's function of following a path on the floor, I suggested Chaser for its name, and developed a logo that resembled a streamlined font but also tyre marks, split geometrically, with a retro-futuristic edge and speed to it.